2 comments on “Frank Lucas Criminal or Hero?

  1. A good write up of the glamourisation of crime in what is one of my favourite Ridley Scott movies.

    Denzel Washington was the perfect choice to play Frank Lucas as he balances the good and bad of a character well. He has exhibited this in other films such as Training Day and Man on Fire, as well as one of his more recent movies, Flight, which i definitely recommend if you haven’t seen it already. Frank Lucas is a confused character, one whose background doesn’t fit his ambition and who eventually corrupts his family. He earns vast sums of money but is generous in the neighbourhood’s he lived in, which contrasts with the harm he did as the single biggest importer of heroin in New York. Eventually it is the trappings of his wealth that bring about his downfall. This is a subtle warning to those wanting to try and emulate his lifestyle through illicit means.

    • Thank you for your comment and I agree with you fully in that Denzel Washington balances the good and bad within a person excellently. I have seen flight and it typifies his long and incredible career as an actor. I feel that the glamorisation of crime can seem to support and almost encourage people to follow his path in life.

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